Creating a safe climate
for all kind.

Image: Nikki Ritcher / We Animals Media

Climate change threatens every species on the planet. Tackling this crisis requires strategic action and diverse cooperation.

Animal Kind Alliance is forging alliances across diverse sectors to address the significant impact of industrial animal agriculture on climate change, benefiting all species and our planet.

Stefano Belacchi / Essere Animali / We Animals Media

Image: Stefano Belacchi / We Animals Media

By uniting animal protection organizations, environmental groups, public health advocates, and social justice movements, we aim to address the extensive impact of industrial animal agriculture on our planet's climate. Each alliance strengthens our collective voice, amplifying our efforts to advocate for sustainable practices that benefit all forms of life. Together, we are not just responding to climate change—we are actively shaping a healthier, more sustainable world for future generations.

Creating a Climate of Change with Every Alliance

Ram Daya / We Animals Media

Image: Ram Daya / We Animals Media

Empowering Action, Ensuring Survival: Join Us

Empower change and help ensure survival by joining Animal Kind Alliance today. Your support is crucial as we forge vital alliances to combat climate change and protect all species. Act now—because together, we can make a lasting difference!

“Together, we can dismantle this destructive system, replace despair with hope, and forge a path towards a sustainable and compassionate world for all.”

— Animal Kind Alliance

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